Mindy Mickelson, Office Manager / Compliance Officer | Bruin Athletics

Mindy Mickelson 4/23/20

Disturb us, O Lord …When we think we’ve reached out limits
When our days become routine and mundane
When we tire of the same old things
When our fears leave us stuck on the shore desperately wanting more
When the mountain top seems too far away
When we can see the finish line but choose to stay comfortably on the couch
Disturb us, O Lord …
Call us out onto the water
Spur us on to take that leap of faith
Push a little harder
Work a little more
To tap into Your strength in order to tap into the vast potential that You created within us
All for you, O Lord

Writing inspired by Sir Francis Drake poem 1577
Mindy Mickelson 1/2/17

Trials, hardships, struggles, loss, the storms of life. The thought of these words can summon memories we’d rather forget. They can even remind us of the present circumstances we are in. “Fun” isn’t the word that comes to mind when we’re living in circumstances that we didn’t choose and are out of our control.

However, do we ever stop and think about the positive side of trials? Yes, there is a positive side. Romans 5:3-4 tells us that sufferings produce perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Sufferings make us stronger. I’ve always believed, especially the older I get, that we’re placed right where we need to grow. If I’m going through something difficult I can embrace the fact there are lessons I can learn in the midst of difficulties. I can allow God to work patience in me, give me new perspectives, and grow my faith and trust in him.

Every day we step into the gym of life. Some days our workouts seem easy and other days they feel like we’ve been asked to do a thousand reps of impossible. I’m continuing to learn to welcome and yield to the struggles in life because I know they are building my character and making me stronger for the roads ahead.

Patience as an Action

What comes to mind when you think of the word patience? Stay still? Hold on? Wait? A few years ago I ran across a quote that I recently revisited. The quote says, “Patience is also a form of action.” (Auguste Rodin) Have you ever thought about patience being a form of action or movement? It is interesting to ponder. Often our minds tell us that patience is a time to be still, but it actually takes restraint which is a form of exertion. Patience takes movement. Yes, patience. As an athlete we all exercise patience on a regular basis. A batter at home plate waits patiently for just the right moment to swing. Basketball and soccer players patiently pass the ball around waiting patiently for just the right opening to score. Linemen patiently hold the line to provide security to the quarterback waiting patiently for just the right timing to pass or run. Every athlete waits for the gun or whistle to start a race or game. We are all patiently waiting. When we go to practice every day we are practicing how to get better, thus patiently putting in the time to grow. James tells us, “Be patient, then brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.” (James 5:7) A farmer works hard to prepare and plant crops. After planting they tend to their fields while they wait patiently for the crops to grow. Patience is a form of action. 

About a week ago my husband and I pulled up the 2008 Olympic Trials 800m men’s race to rewatch on YouTube. We had the privilege of watching it in person at Hayward and witnessing the amazing finish. It still gives me chills to watch how Nick Symmonds and Andrew Wheating exercised great patience (link  – if you haven’t seen it, watch it before you continue)………..

Symmonds and Wheating practiced great patience in their race. Instead of being impatient and trying to run to the head of the pack they held back; trusting their kick and the millions of hours that lead them to this moment. They were both hanging out at the very back of the pack until the remaining 150m. Then, in what seemed to be out of nowhere, they unleashed their legs and kicked into full speed passing every one of their opponents to clinch first and second place along with a ticket to Beijing. So why do I share these thoughts? To encourage you in the midst of this time of waiting. Unwanted circumstances that we can’t control. Be patient with yourselves as you use your creativity to workout and learn in new ways. Don’t give up! You are fighters and doers. Keep moving, it is a form of patience. Lean into Jesus and press on!!! Just because things were stolen away from us by something that is unseen and out of our control does not mean that we can’t keep moving, keep learning, keep encouraging, keep living. We will come out of this. Let us view this time as an opportunity to become stronger in new ways. Let this setback be a setup for a comeback (Bishop T.D. Lakes). You know what that means? We have a choice when we encounter setbacks. We can either let them get us down or we can choose to defy them by looking ahead and moving on. Press on, Bruins!!! Press on!!!

Hebrews 12:1-3

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