
SBIS Course Descriptions

Table of Contents

SBIS 500 Bible Survey

3 credit hours

This course provides students with a general overview of the Bible. Students will be introduced to the history of the literary formation of the Bible, important theological and socio-political themes in both testaments, and their implications for today's world with a particular interest in spiritual formation and Christian practice.

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SBIS 510 Old Testament Introduction

3 credit hours

This course introduces students to the literature of the Old Testament in its socio-historical, literary, and theological contexts. Students will explore the contents of the Old Testament, the history of ancient Israel, historical geography, and interpretive approaches that explore the literary features of the Old Testament and its historical and cultural contexts.

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SBIS 520 New Testament Introduction

3 credit hours

This course introduces students to the literature of the New Testament in its socio-historical, literary, and theological contexts. This course will discuss the history that leads up to the New Testament; the voices in early Christianities represented in the Gospels, Pauline, and other letters, and the churches and/or persons who first received them; as well as the voices of those who read them today. Besides introducing the general information on each book, this course will also highlight different themes in the books of the New Testament.

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SBIS 530 Biblical Hermeneutics

3 credit hours

This course introduces a variety of analytical and critical approaches, from the development of biblical exegesis and hermeneutics in early Jewish and Christian tradition to modern-day readings of the Bible. Topics include: textual witnesses, reception history, issues of translation, historical-criticism, reader-response criticism, canonical analysis; postcolonial, feminist, womanist, intersectional, and other minority readings. Additional course fees may be required.

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SBIS 540 Advanced Topics in Old Testament

3 credit hours

This course applies the interpretive skills developed in SBIS 510 and 530, with special attention on the exegetical issues of the designated Old Testament book or a special theme in the Old Testament. Prerequisite: SBIS 510 and 530 or permission of instructor. Additional course fees may be required.

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SBIS 550 Advanced Topics in New Testament

3 credit hours

This course applies the interpretive skills developed in SBIS 520 and 530, with special attention on the exegetical issues of the designated New Testament book or a special theme in the New Testament. Prerequisite: SBIS 520 and 530 or permission of instructor.

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SBIS 585 Advanced Topics in Biblical Studies

0 credit hours

Examines a particular topic in Bible, biblical interpretation, or biblical reception.

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SBIS 595 Special Study

1-3 credit hour

A specially designed and individually tailored course of research involving in-depth study of a particular question, problem, or issue presented by the student. The student must make application for the study prior to registration for the semester in which the study will be carried out. The application must be approved by the faculty member overseeing the study and the departmental chair. Special arrangements for regular courses of study must be approved by the dean.

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